ALCS Game One Strikezone

Here are the heatmaps for both C.J. Wilson and CC Sabathia from last night's ALCS Game One, separated by balls and called strikes as determined by home plate umpire Gerry Davis.
C.J. Wilson's Called Ball Frequency (36 pitches)CC Sabathia's Called Ball Frequency (42 pitches)C.J. Wilson's Called Strike Frequency (46 pitches)CC Sabathia's Called Strike Frequency (37 pitches)
Early in the game, it seemed as though Sabathia was not getting the paint on the outside corner to righty batters. However, it looks like Gerry Davis wasn’t calling pitches on the upper left side of the zone much for either pitcher. It just seemed to harm CC more since he kept trying to hit that spot early on.
However, when comparing Wilson’s called strikes to Sabathia’s called balls, it appears Wilson was getting that lower right portion of the zone more. In fact, CC seemed to miss out on a few calls that were probably within that lower right portion of the strikezone.
Combining the called strike and ball data gives us the called strike rates for both pitchers:
C.J. Wilson's Called Strike RateCC Sabathia's Called Strike Rate
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