3 Up 3 Down Clippings...

Here are some quotes from our most recent 3 Up 3 Down interviews...
Mark Cuban
re: the lessons MLB and the NBA could learn from eachother
"MLB could learn that the league is not a kingdom and the NBA could learn how to stay relevant to fans for twice as many games." read more...
Jerry Remy
re: 2013 Red Sox players bouncing back
"I expect Jon Lester (Lester InfoGraphic) to have the biggest turnaround in 2013. Looking at his history and, knowing his determination, it is very difficult to logically explain what happened to him in 2012. Until he shows otherwise, I am assuming it was just an aberration." read more...
Sean Forman
re: performance enhancing drugs in MLB
"No revelation would surprise me. So for me, playing this gotcha game with Bonds, Clemens, Sosa etc is futile. Sure we know about some of them, but Babe Ruth and Pud Galvin were injecting themselves with ground up sheep and guinea pig testicles 100 years ago, so IMO we should look at what happened on the field and base votes on that." read more...
Jeff Bussgang
re: what MLB owners could learn from startups
"Start up success is all about leadership and culture. Top down. It’s not clear to me that MLB teams are focused enough on club house leadership and culture. The same collection of talent can be 10x more productive in a startup under the right leadership and operating in the right culture." read more...

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